Privacy Policy

What personal information does IRIS CRUISE collect and how is it used?
You are not required to provide any personal information to us unless you choose to make a purchase or subscribe to one of our email newsletters or other services.

Make a purchase
To book a trip with IRIS CRUISE, you must provide us with certain personal information such as your name, credit or debit card number and expiration date, credit or debit card billing address, phone number, email address and the name or names of any person traveling with you. We require this information to be able to process, fulfill and confirm your bookings and transactions and to inform you of their status. If you make a booking for one or more other travellers, you will need to ensure that each other traveler agrees in advance that you may disclose their personal information to us. For your convenience, we provide certain information about your booking to you or others authorized by you to receive such information.

When you book a trip with us, you must provide us with a contact telephone number. We will use that number in case we need to notify you about changes or other matters that may affect your booking or travel, such as changes due to Delays, inclement weather and flight cancellations. We may use text messages to provide you with such updates. When you provide us with a mobile phone number as your trip contact, you agree that you are providing us with your express consent to receive calls or text messages from IRIS CRUISE relating to your booking. If you do not want to receive these trip updates on your mobile phone, please provide us with another phone number.

Online survey
IRIS CRUISE values ​​our members' opinions and comments, so we regularly conduct online surveys. Participation in these surveys is optional. Typically, we will aggregate the information we collect and use it to improve the IRIS CRUISE Services and develop content, features and promotions for customers. Survey participants will remain anonymous unless otherwise stated in the survey.

Automatic logging of session data
We automatically log general information about customers connecting computers to the Internet that access the web, which we call "session data." Session data includes information such as device information, IP address, operating system and browser software information, and all activities performed by the user while using IRIS CRUISE. We collect session data because it helps us analyze things like which items visitors are most likely to click on, how visitors click through the site, how many visitors visit pages across the website, how long visitors to the website stay and how often they visit. It also helps us diagnose problems with our servers and allows us to better manage the system. A visitor's Internet Service Provider (ISP) can be identified from the IP address and approximate geographic location of his or her connection point.

Third Party Services
We may allow you to access third-party services, such as Facebook and Twitter, that allow you to share your selected Submissions with those services and import information about the people you connect with. on those other services so you can connect to them using our services. Some of those third-party services may also provide us with information from your account and are there to enhance and personalize your use of the IRIS CRUISE Services. For example, you can allow Facebook to tell us who your Facebook friends are so you can follow their activity. You can, at any time, adjust your Facebook settings to remove this feature by changing your preferences on the site. You can also further modify your privacy settings with those other services directly. Location-specific information. If you use our location-enabled products and services, you may send us location information. This information may reveal your physical location, such as GPS data, or it may not, such as when you submit an address to see hotel options at that location. We use your location information

to process and personalize your requests, for example by pre-filling the city when you are searching for a nearby hotel. We also use location information for support, developing new features, better user experience and improving the overall quality of IRIS CRUISE.

From time to time we may add to or improve the services available using IRIS CRUISE. To the extent these services are provided and used by you, we will use the information you provide to facilitate the requested service. For example, if you email us with a question, we will use information such as your email address, name and the nature of the question, to respond to your inquiry. We may also store such information to assist us in improving the IRIS CRUISE service and making it easier to use.

Who will my personal information be shared with?

When you book travel using the IRIS CRUISE website, we only provide the cruise line or relevant Third Party Supplier with such personal information as is necessary to make your travel arrangements successful. your calendar. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of all Third Party Providers as their policies may differ materially from this Privacy Policy.
We use non-personal information in aggregate form to build more useful, higher quality online services by performing statistical analysis of the general characteristics and behavior of our customers and visitors. access. our visitors and by measuring demographic information and interests related to specific areas of our website. We may provide anonymous statistical information based on this data to suppliers, advertisers, affiliates and other current and potential business partners. We may also use such aggregated data to inform these third parties about the number of people who viewed and clicked on links to their websites.

What other information should I know about my privacy?

When using IRIS CRUISE, you may see links to third-party websites, applications and services. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you will be using another company's website, application or service. Except as stated herein, we do not share your personal information with such third parties and are not responsible for their privacy practices. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of all such sites as their policies may differ significantly from this Privacy Policy. Please be very careful, responsible and vigilant with this information, especially when you are online.
In addition to the circumstances described above, IRIS CRUISE may disclose personal information if required to do so by law, by court order, at the request of a government or other law enforcement agency, or if in good faith believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary or advisable, including but not limited to to protect the rights or property of IRIS CRUISE or its affiliates, or when we have reason to believe that disclosure is necessary or advisable. Disclosure of information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against anyone who may be interfering with our rights or property, whether intentionally or unintentionally, or when any Who else could be harmed by those activities.

Information about "scam"
We do not and will not, at any time, request your credit card information or any other sensitive information in unsecured or unsolicited email or telephone communications. Identity theft and the practice now known as "phishing" are of major concern to us. Securing information to help protect you from identity theft is our top priority.
We do not and will not, at any time, request your credit card or any other sensitive information in unsecured or unsolicited email or phone communications. Identity theft and so-called "phishing" are a major concern for us. Securing information to help protect you from identity theft is our top priority.

This Privacy Policy was last modified on June 1, 2024. We may change or supplement this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any material changes to how IRIS CRUISE uses personal information will be described in a future version of this privacy policy. Changes to the Privacy Policy will apply to information collected from the date we post the revised Privacy Policy, as well as existing information we hold. If any published changes are unacceptable to you, you may request that we remove your personal information from our records by sending an email to: Info@legacy-voyages. Of course, you can always submit a concern regarding our Privacy Policy or privacy practices via email by clicking on the same link. Please refer to the privacy policy in your stream subject. You can also email us at any time.