Iris Halong Cruise is where your journey begins.


As a flower that symbolizes a son's gratitude to his father, Iris Cruise was born with the mission of connecting the past - present - future, carrying within it the fire of passion and hope for the beginning. new. Each journey is a "passport" that binds generations and cultures together, sharing and exchanging interesting life stories with sincere emotions.

Born and raised in Ha Long, I have always had a strong love for my homeland, which has always captured my heart with its enchanting beauty. Since promoting the wonders of Ha Long to the world has always been a deep passion of mine, I decided to embark on a determined journey that gave birth to a fleet of luxury cruise ships. I hope each cruise has a heartfelt story that highlights the unique culture of Ha Long Bay, so that everyone who sets foot there can fall in love with the charming beauty of Ha Long like I do.

Our responsible engagements

We can only co-exist in this world if we aim to preserve. Time Flow is committed to responsible travel.

Community & Charity

We support local communities and businesses by partnering with them to sustain their existence with a responsible approach. We also support education – directly with our Cambodian school projects or via our charity partners.


The beauty of Asia lives through its unspoiled nature. Heritage Line does its part to protect the environment with an eco-friendly waste management system, elimination of single-use plastics on-board, and ships outfitted with state-of-the-art water treatment technology.


Centuries-old cultures, native costumes, local life, and natural landscapes all reflect the soul and identity of a country and its communities. We create travel with an eye on the conservation and protection of these priceless ethics and principles.